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Unlock/Locked cell


I have a Data Entry Form I selected all the cells to enter data and unlocked then I protected the wooksheet. I then started to enter the data into the cells but when I got to enter in the cell for "Decription" it skipped over to the very next cell. I hve went back and went thru the whole procdure and the same thing happens I even exit out of Excel and nothing has changed. any one have any ideas what I need to do????

I have 7 cells on 2 colunms to enter data for the Register worksheet. when you enter the data in the cell for Date and press Enter you go to the next cell below but when it should go from Accout to Decription data cell it jumps back to the Account cell instead of going to the next to Catgeory data entry cell. I attach the file. Thks....



Hello jray1952 and welcome to the forum,

It would be helpful if you could upload a sample file (with no personal info) so we can see what you are describing.
Is the issue happening with any other cell or only with the cell for description?
What do you mean by " it shipped to the very next cell"? Where is the "very next cell" in relation to the cell for description? After entering data to a cell do you press Enter or Tab or an arrow key?
This is likely something simple but we need a sample file and answers to the questions to be able to help.

Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 587) Feb 22, '24 at 9:44 am
Thanks for your response WilleD24. I'm new here so how do I upload my file???
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 10:12 am
It's quite easy. Go back to your original post, scroll to the bottom, and click on "Edit" in the lower left. You will now see at the bottom left a button "Add Files to the Post". Click this and you will be able to add up to 3 files.
When you do this, also please include answers to my questions.

Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 587) Feb 22, '24 at 10:29 am
I uptated the orginal with the attached file.
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 10:47 am
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Hi jray1952,

Thanks for uploading your file and providing more details.

From what I can tell this is just the natural behavior of Excel which depends on how you move about the worksheet. I tried moving about your "Register" sheet using different methods and everything behaved as expected.

The default is when you enter data in a cell and press Enter it moves the selection to the cell/row below.  If you use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet this default behavior does not change. However, when you use the "Tab" key is when things may seem strange.

Example 1: you click in cell "A30" and press "Tab" to go to "B30" and then press "Enter" the selection will go to "A31".

Example 2: If you select "C30", enter data and press "Tab" to go to "D30" and press "Tab" to go to "E30" and press "Tab" to go to "F30" and then press "Enter" the selection will go to "C31".

When using "Tab", after pressing "Enter" the selection will move to the cell below the first cell where data was entered. (Ex1 – "A31", Ex2 – "C31") If you move from cell to cell by clicking each cell, then when you press "Enter" the selection will move down one cell/row.

Excel behaves this way so if your entering data across multiple columns and press "Enter" you will be taken back to the first column of data entry, one row below.

Hope this clears things up for you.

If this solves things, please mark my answer as Selected.

Cheers   :-)



Thanks for looking in to this. From what I'm getting here is that you are talking about the Register Worksheet. If that is  true my problem is in the Form Worksheet where the Data Entry Form is.. Looks like I;ll put a footnote in the UserForm to tell who ever is entering the data to press the Tab key and not to use the Enter key after entering each data is entered. Thanks for your help WillieD24
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 11:54 am
Hi jray1952,   I misinterpreted which sheet you were questioning. I saw “Register worksheet” in your post and just went there. I went back and looked at your “Form” worksheet and saw the strange behavior. When using “Tab” cell selection is: Date-Category-Transaction-Withdrawl(-)-Payee-Deposit(+)-Description. When using the arrow keys the order is the same. However, when using “Enter” the selection never goes to the “Description” field. This may have something to do with how the cell is formatted, but the sheet is protected so I can’t check it. If my explanation answer above solves things, please mark it as Selected. Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 587) Feb 22, '24 at 12:34 pm
Hey Mate, I just read your respose and I went back to the file to  check it out and now hitting the enter key it acts like it shoud goes down to each cell on the left than goes up yo the to right and I didn't change anything. I was just messing with it before and it was screwed up. How strange. You can Unprotect it dosen't have a password.
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 3:15 pm
Hey Mate, I just read your respose and I went back to the file to  check it out and now hitting the enter key it acts like it shoud goes down to each cell on the left than goes up yo the to right and I didn't change anything. I was just messing with it before and it was screwed up. How strange. You can Unprotect it dosen't have a password.
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 3:15 pm

Glad to hear things are as you wish.
In the file I downloaded, when pressing Enter the "Description" cell ("F14") is never selected. Only when using "Tab".
I unprotected the sheet and redid the formatting (selected all cells => locked them => saved file => selected the 7 data entry cells => unlocked them => saved file => reprotected. No change, "F14" still does not get selected when using Enter. When I do the same thing on a different sheet, pressing Enter behaves as expected. I have no explanation for this not happening on the "Form" sheet; just glad things are as they should be.

Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 587) Feb 22, '24 at 4:40 pm
Thanks, for all your help!!!!!!
jray1952 Feb 22, '24 at 4:47 pm
Hi jray1952, It's good that above you thanked Willie for solving your problem but please mark his Answer as Selected- it's the only reward he gets for helping users.
John_Ru (rep: 6377) Feb 26, '24 at 1:40 pm
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