I have a different URL in each cell of column D below the header cell. I need a Macro that will search the HTML code from each URL and return a specific image URL from the HTML code to the cell in column E of the same row.
Here's the specific URL found in D2: "https://orderherbalsonline.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Product/Details/en-CA/3106"
Here's the specific image URL from the webpage of the URL in D2 that I need automatically returned to E2: "https://assets.herbalifenutrition.com/content/dam/regional/nam/en_ca/consumable_content/product-catalog-assets/images/2021/06-Jun/3106_F1_FrenchVanilla_GoHL_CA.png/_jcr_content/renditions/cq5dam.web.800.800.png"
I'm very inexperienced with VBA, so once I have this macro saved, how do I go about running it for each blank cell in Column E where a value exists in column D?
Any help is greatly appreciated.