Selected Answer
Hi again Mark
You can use VBA and the TopLeftCell property of Shapes to delete stacked shapes.
In the attached file (a macro-enabled revision of yours), I've put a blue button near cell D160 (for demo purposes) which states "To delete shapes, select or move to the top left cell then click here". With U159 selected (say), clicking the button runs the code in Module1 as follows:
Sub DelStacked()
Dim Shp As Shape, Resp As VbMsgBoxResult
' check single cell selected
If Selection.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "To delete shapes, please select a single cell "
Exit Sub
End If
' check user want to delete
Resp = MsgBox("Delete all (stacked) shapes, near " & Selection.Address(0, 0) & ", press Ok", vbOKCancel)
If Resp = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
' if so, loop through shapes and delete those with same address and count
For Each Shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Shp.TopLeftCell.Address = Selection.Address Then
Qty = Qty + 1
End If
Next Shp
' tell user result
MsgBox Qty & " shape(s) deleted near cell " & Selection.Address(0, 0)
End Sub
It reports that 206 shapes (not a maximum of 80!) were deleted. Click it when near a a single shape and it will tell you it deleted just 1. You just need to get to the cell nearest the top left of the shape.
Hope this fixes things for you (and saves lots of time). If so, please be sure to mark this Answer as Selected.