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Excel Cell Refresh


I am currently having an issue where i type letters or add numbers to a cell in Excel and the last digit or letter does not show up until i tab away or press enter. Is this a known issue, has someone come across this before and is there a fix. Hard to show in an excel sheet, really need to create a video

When i type in a cell i get the following

I want to type John, can be anything

I will type out the whole word but what i get is Joh. When i tab out of the cell or press enter the last letter appears John. this happens with number and formulas =2+2 I will get =2+ then tab or press enter and it appears as =2+2. Is this a refresh error 



Hi Semaj and welcome to the Forum. 

When you say the "last digit or letter does not show up", where do you mean? In the Formula Bar (just below the ribbon) or in the cell itself? Does it happen the same if you type 6 characters or 14 say? Does it happen in all Excel files? Please edit your original question to add this detail,  

Also it normally helps us (to help you) if we can see the file you're working on. Please edit your original question and use the Add Files... button to upload a representative Excel file (without any personal data) to show your existing data. Then we should be able to give specific help.
John_Ru (rep: 6377) Apr 25, '23 at 5:52 am
I too was confused by what Semaj was trying to describe/explain. Too bad the additional info and file have not been provided. I suspect they discovered what was causing the problem (I could not reproduce it) but they couldn't be bothered to share it with the forum.
WillieD24 (rep: 587) Apr 28, '23 at 7:43 pm
@Willie - another possibility is that Semaj cross-posted and someone on another forum understood and replied.
John_Ru (rep: 6377) Apr 29, '23 at 2:20 am
As requested, i did update the issue. To date no resolution found
semaj (rep: 4) May 3, '23 at 3:53 am
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I've never encountered that problem to be honest. You could try one thing- in the Excel menu bar, go File/ Options/ Advanced then, in the "Editing options" section, uncheck "Allow editing directly in cells" and try again

If that works, please note that you will no longer be able to edit directly inside cells (by double-clicking a cell rather than by editing the cell contents in the formula bar). If not, return to check that option (to restore the default setting).

If the problem occurs in all files, it could be that Excel is corrupted somehow and you could try repairing it. You have Office 365 so follow the Microsoft guidance here: Repair an Office application

Hope this helps. If so, please remember to mark this Answer as Selected.



I tried the above but to no avail. I even went as far as uninstalling re installing 0365. I still have same problem. I haven't tried any files from this machine on another. I will give that a try it may help in isolating the issue
semaj (rep: 4) May 3, '23 at 3:52 am
Semaj. Do you have the same problem in Word or Notepad? I have 365 so could try an Excel file for you- please edit your original question and use the Add Files... button to attach a representative Excel file.
John_Ru (rep: 6377) May 3, '23 at 5:23 am
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Believe it or not, but it fixed itself only a week ago, may have been and update, but i did not put in any fix. 

Happy but confused

Thanks all



That's good but strange. I still suspect an update corrected things.
John_Ru (rep: 6377) Oct 23, '23 at 6:29 pm
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