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getting account each client based on combobox and textbox


Hi Guys,

I  want  to match the  name in combobox1  with  column E    if  it's  matched  ,then  subtract  Total summing of  column F  from Total summing of  column G  which is  relating  the  client . and  show  the  final  result  in textbox1. for  instance   client KHALID  TOTAL for  column F=120+120  ,TOTAL for  column G=110 , the  result  in textbox1= 240-110 =130.  

should  sum any  values  for  the  client  for  each column F,G  and  subtract between two  columns . last  thing  should  be  show  as  numberformat ="#,##0.00" in textbox1

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Me.TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.SumIf(sheet2.Range("E:E"), ComboBox1.Value, sheet2.Range("F:F") - WorksheetFunction.SumIf(sheet2.Range("E:E"), ComboBox1.Value, sheet2.Range("G:G")))
End Sub





I'm a bit confused by the wording of your question,. A representative file would help me (and save time)- please edit your question and use the Add Files... button to upload a representative Excel file (without any personal data) to show your existing macro and data. I'll then be able to help hopefully.  
John_Ru (rep: 6142) Aug 22, '22 at 10:12 am
Hi John,
my apologies !! 
honestly  I  thought  the  file  has been uploaded .
Ali M (rep: 28) Aug 22, '22 at 10:24 am
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Selected Answer


Thanks for the file. I suggest you first create a single string criteria (IfCrit) with double quotation marks -given by Chr(34) in VBA- like "KHALID", since it's not a number. You can then use that in VBA's Evaluate (which will work out what a formula string in a cell would return) as follows: 

Option Explicit

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

Dim IfCrit As String

' define string criteria in double quotes
IfCrit = Chr(34) & ComboBox1.Text & Chr(34)
' evaluate SumIf strings with that criteria
Me.TextBox1.Value = Evaluate("=SUMIF(Sheet2!E2:E10," & IfCrit & ", Sheet2!F2:F10)") _
    - Evaluate("=SUMIF(Sheet2!E2:E10," & IfCrit & ", Sheet2!G2:G10)")

End Sub

(I limited the ranges to E2:E10 for example to prevent delays from working out entire columns)

The attached file has that code. Hope this fixes things for you.



(I limited the ranges to E3:E10 for example to prevent delays from working out entire columns)
I thought to don't affect the whole column , then I should expand the range every time when increase the range.

actually  I  felt   so  confused  about  the  calculation    for  client ALI  . the  only  this  client  gives error  value   , but  I've  found  why  , you  start  the  range  from  row3  but  should  be 2 .
thanks  for  your  solution .
Ali M (rep: 28) Aug 22, '22 at 11:43 am
Oops! Sorry about that (I was trying the formula on my own file before your file arrived) but I have now corrected both the Answer and the file.

Thanks for selecting my Answer, Ali.
John_Ru (rep: 6142) Aug 22, '22 at 11:57 am
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