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Excel substitute for Regex


Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone knows a way to seach in excel for unique charachters.
For example, I would like to look for a 2 upper case letters ( for instance: "NY")
Is there any way to to mimic the regex [A-Z] function?



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don (rep: 1989) Jun 5, '20 at 3:23 am
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Hi there! I was actually thinking about this and put together a formula that might do the trick. It's not regex but it basically does what you are asking.

Let me know how this works:


Cell to check is A1 in this example.



Hi, Loved your soution.  It is indeed capable to find these charchters. I though maybe we can replace the Left/Right functions with Mid. "FIND(MID($A$1,1,1),"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")>0" This way it can be more dynamic if I'd like to look up for more charachters (for example NYC). but beside that, it is an itersting solution. Thanks.
IlanLo (rep: 2) Jun 5, '20 at 6:50 am
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