Center Titles Across Multiple Cells in Excel

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How to center a title across multiple cells in Excel in order to make good looking titles for your spreadsheets.

  1. Select the cells in which you want to center text.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click the button Merge & Center

  3. Your title will now look like this:
  4. If you only selected one row of cells to merge, skip to Step 5.
    Since we selected multiple rows as well as columns, we now need to center the title within the rows.
    With the new cells still selected, click the Middle Align button.
  5. Now that the text is centered, add whatever formatting you would like to make it look nice.  I went to the Home tab, clicked Cell Styles and selected the Heading 1 option.
  6. That's it!


Using the method illustrated above, it's easy to make nice looking titles for any project in Excel.

To unmerge the cells simply click the drop down arrow next to the Merge & Center option and click Unmerge Cells.

Download the attached workbook so you can see this example in Excel.

Downloadable Files: Excel File

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