How to quickly and easily remove all HTML from data copied into Excel. This tutorial includes two simple methods, one without a macro and one with a macro.
Remove HTML from Text in Excel
Now all of the html will have been removed from the data and you're good to go!
HTML code is always contained within tags that begin with < and end with > and the above method uses a wildcard character * inbetween the < and the >. This tells Excel to match anything that starts and ends with < and > and then, since we replace it with an empty string, or nothing, Excel replaces all of the HTML tags with nothing, which removes all of the tags.
The macro used below does the same thing, just with some programming code instead of the standard Find/Replace feature in the worksheet.
Sometimes when you do this, if you have a lot of text in the cell, Excel will "wrap" it and then create a huge cell that goes way down the worksheet.
To get rid of this, select the cell, go to the Home tab and click the button Wrap Text (Excel sometimes automatically applies this and you have to turn it off to get a normal sized cell again.)
Sub HTML_Removal()
Dim Cell As Range
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Pattern = "\<.*?\>"
.Global = True
For Each Cell In Selection
Cell.Value = .Replace(Cell.Value, "")
End With
End Sub
This removes all html from the cells that you select.
Simply select some cells, run the macro, and that's it.
HTML is always contained within tags which begin with < and end with > and this is how this tutorial removes the HTML, by removing those tags. However, if you copy broken or bad HTML into Excel and use the above methods, it might return unexpected results. For instance, if there is no closing tag > on a tag, then more data than is expected might be removed. There is very little that you can do about this without putting the HTML first through a validator type setup, but you should be aware that issues are possible if the HTML is not in the incorrect format in one way or another. But, for the most part, you probably won't run into this issue when working with small data sets.
Make sure to download the sample file to get the above examples and code in Excel.