SMALL Function - Get the Lowest Values from a List in Excel

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Return the smallest values from a list, or any of the smallest values, in Excel. This includes the smallest value, second smallest, third smallest, etc.

This method uses the SMALL() function.



Example - Smallest Value

Example - Any of the Smallest Values



=SMALL(array, k)
Argument Description
Array The range from which you want to get the smallest value, or just any bottom value.

Which bottom value you want to get.

1 means to get the smallest value.

2 means to get the second smallest value.


Example - Smallest Value

Get the smallest value from a list.


A1:A5 is the range of values.




Example - Any of the Smallest Values

Let's get the 3rd smallest value.


A1:A5 is the range of values.





This is a nice and easy-to-remember function that is great when you want to return things like the worst performers or just anywhere where you need to do something like return the 3 lowest values, or just the lowest value etc.

Make sure to download the sample file for this tutorial to work with these examples in Excel.  

Excel Function: SMALL()
Downloadable Files: Project File

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Tutorial Details
Excel Function: SMALL()
Downloadable Files: Project File
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