Selected Answer
In the cell where you want to record (let's say C3) the value of the cell (let's say A3) with either 1 or 0 enter this formula in C3: "=IF(A3=1, 1, "")". Now if A3 value is 1 C3 will show 1; if A3 value is 0 C3 will be empty. If you want to capture the date or date and time when the value changes you can use in cell D3 either TODAY() for date or NOW() for date and time. But these functions are volatile and recalculate every time there is a change in the worksheet. One way to make this static is to use data validation. In another cell (let's say C1) enter either TODAY() or NOW(). In the cell where you want to capture the date and time (let's say D3) create data validation – select from list and make the cell with the function (C1) the source cell. The date and time in D3 will now be static but this will mean the user needs to select the data validation to change the date and time.
See attached file.
If this is the solution you hoped for please mark my answer as Selected.
A VBA solution is also possible but will require more time on my part. If you would prefer a VBA solution let me know.
UPDATE: Mar. 28/24
Attched file with a VBA solution (Record Cell value - Rev2-VBA)
This file has the original formulas on Sheet1 to capture the values from Sheet2. Sheet2 has a Worksheet_Change event which is triggered when a cell in Col-A changes. This event code then calls another macro to make the changes on Sheet1. If the new Sheet2 value is 0, then only the Sheet1 Col-A value is changed. If the new value on Sheet2 is 1 then on Sheet1 Col-A changes, 1 is entered to Col-C, and the date/time is entered to Col-D. Because the date/time is entered by the macro it is static and doesn't change until the next time 1 is entered into Col-A.
Cheers :-)