Count words in cells with this user defined function (UDF). This UDF allows you to count the number of words that are within one cell or a range of cells. The word count is determined by the number of spaces in the cell(s) - this means that this function will not correctly count the number of words if your words are separated by something other than a space, such as a dash, underscore, period, etc. Also, multiple consecutive spaces might throw the result of this function off. This is something to be aware of but, in most cases, this function will work just fine right off the bat.
If you use something other than a space to separate or delimit words within a cell, then look for the other count words function on this site; this other udf will allow you to specify your own delimiter / separator.
Function COUNTWORDS(rRange As Range) As Long
Dim rCell As Range
Dim Count As Long
For Each rCell In rRange
lCount = lCount + Len(Trim(rCell)) - Len(Replace(Trim(rCell), " ", "")) + 1
Next rCell
End Function