This Excel macro sorts data that has headers in descending order. This means that data is sorted Z to A and 10 to 1 - or reverse alphabetical order and highest to lowest. This macro also assumes that there is one row of headers at the top of your data set or data range. If you have more than one row of headers on your data, simply make the range reference to the entire table start one row below the top header row - this will take into account two rows for headers.
This is a great and simple sorting macro in Excel and will help to get you started or will fit nicely into existing macros that you have.
To use this macro, simply replace A1:C56 with the range reference of your entire data set or data table that you want to be sorted and then replace A1 with the cell reference of the row that you would like to sort the rest of the data by in descending order.
Sub Sort_Descending_Basic_With_Header()
'Sorts a worksheet in descending order and assumes there are headers on the data
Range("A1:C56").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
End Sub