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Office 2010 Class #29: Excel ROUND Function How And When To Use It.

Download files at: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216_2003/216/busn216.htm
The Excel 2010 Basics Series shows a systematic description of what Excel can do from beginning to end.
Topics Covered In Video:
1. When and how to use the ROUND function.
2. You are required to round like with money involved with invoices, taxes or payroll (there are no partial pennies).
3. The formula calculation involves multiplying or dividing numbers that contain decimals (numbers that are being added or subtracted should already be rounded properly).
4. The formula calculation result will be used in a subsequent formula (like SUM function for adding a column of tax calculations).
5. The second argument of the ROUND function = 2, then it rounds to penny
6. The second argument of the ROUND function = 0, then it rounds to dollar

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