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The Best Tips for Recording Macros in Excel
Tutorial: This is for the beginner who wants to start learning about how to record macros in Excel ...
Filter Data in Excel to Display Records that Contain a Value Between Two Values - AutoFilter.
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Excel VBA Course
Excel VBA Course - From Beginner to Expert

200+ Video Lessons
50+ Hours of Video
200+ Excel Guides

Become a master of VBA and Macros in Excel and learn how to automate all of your tasks in Excel with this online course. (No VBA experience required.)

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Highline Excel Class 52: Recorded Macro Basics

Learn about:
1.How to Record a Macro
2.Macro = VBA code
3.Macros are great for repetitive tasks
4.What file extension to use for Excel 2007: .xlsm
5.How to show Developer Ribbon in Excel 2007
6.Relative and Absolute References in Excel Macros
7.Paste Special Values Absolute Macro
8.Paste Special Values Relative Macro
9.Learn about VBA editor window
10.View code for a Recorded Macro
11.View List of Macros
12.See the difference between Range(A1) and OFFSET(0,2)
13.Create an Income Statement Template with a Macro
14.See how to edit a Macro when you make a mistake
This is a beginning to advanced Excel class taught at Highline Community College by Mike Gel excelisfun Girvin Busn 214 BTech 109

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