I search for way to correct result in message box
when show message box I would deal minus amount in textbox1 as plus amount even the real amount is minus in textbox1.
example :Abed name contains minus value =-2,000.00 when select name from combobox1 and when write in textbox2 =300.00 then will not show message box because I consider minus value as pluse value in textbox1 then will not show message box as long amount in textbox1>textbox2 based on message box , the problem will deal minus value in this case will show message box consider textbox1<textbox2 despite of I use Abs function!
also when select Abdo from combobox1 will populate amount in textbox1=2,000.00 and when write in textbox2 =2,000 then should not show message box because will equel zero , , the problem will show message box showin value is zero.
Private Sub TextBox2_AfterUpdate()
Dim tot As Double
tot = CDbl(Abs(TextBox1.Value)) - CDbl(TextBox2.Value)
If TextBox1.Value < TextBox2.Value Then MsgBox " bigger than available , so you have plus amount about" & " " & Format(Abs(tot), "#,##0.00")
End Sub
how can I fix theses problems,please?