Please help Vba Code find the largest total of 3 consecutive days in the data area
Please help Vba Code find the largest total of 3 consecutive days in the data area
This is not an answer but I had to use the "Answer" portion to be able to attach a file.
Again you have posted your question incorrectly. You haven't followed the guidance I gave in your last post so I have attached a file with screen shots that hopefully will make things clear to you.
Also the cell references in your file are a bit confusing. You state " From (A6:M36)" - should that be "B7:M37"? And should "Sum(A6:A8)" be "A7:A9"? Or "B7:B9"? And "Sum(B35:C6)" - what is this. You haven't made it clear what you want summed. Do you want to sum the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd for Jan (B7:B9), then 2nd, 3rd, 4th for Jan (B8:B10), etc and find the largest amount? Or, do you want to sum the 1st, 2nd, 3rd for Jan thru Dec (B7:M9), the 2nd, 3rd, 4th for Jan thru Dec (B8:M10) etc and find the largest amount?
This can be achieved with or without VBA but I'm not going to spend any time on this unless you go back to your last post and follow what I've said (and abide by the Forum rules).
Sorry, I sent the wrong file and sent it again, thank you for your reminder.