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Calculation in textboxes on form doesn't work



I try showing result  in textbox4,textbox 5 based on the others textboxes after calculation.


when fill textbox1=KW 1,000.00 and textbox3 =5 then will show textbox2 =KW 200.00

at the same time I would show  in textbox4=textbox2/textbox1

example : KW 200.00/KW 1,000.00 = 20% but it just show % without number !

as to textbox5 should be textbox5=(textbox1-textbox2)*textbox4

example textbox5=(KW 1,000.00-KW 200.00)*20% =KW 160.00

I hope my requiremnt is clear to slove the problem.




Selected Answer

Hello leopard,

It took my a couple of tries but I figured it out for you. At first look, I thought it was probably a syntax error - and it was.

1) The "Cdbl" is not necessary because you have declared the variables as "Double".

2) The line "val2 = CDbl . . . " was not getting a value because it was placed before the "val3 = CDbl . . . . " line; and it only needs to be "val2 = val1 / val3" and placed after the "val1" & val3" lines.

3) The line "TextBox4.Value = Format(dTotal1, "%")" is just missing a "0" before the % sign >> "0%" <<.

4) The math for TextBox5 was a bit off; changed it to "TextBox5.Value = CRR & " " & (val1 - dTotal) * dTotal1"

I have made these changes in the attached file.

Cheers   :-)



Hi Willie , 
now it calculates as I want it except one thing is numberformat.
when show result number in textbox5 should be KW #,##0.00.
leopard (rep: 96) Oct 23, '24 at 4:12 am
Hi leopard,

Simple fix: I just changed the line: "TextBox5.Value = . . . " to the following:
TextBox5.Value = CRR & " " & Format(((val1 - dTotal) * dTotal1), "#,##0.00")

The updated file ( Rev2 ) is attached to my answer above.

Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 657) Oct 23, '24 at 9:59 am
Thank you so much ,
leopard (rep: 96) Oct 23, '24 at 12:29 pm
You are very welcome, glad I was able to help.
Thanks for selecting my answer.
WillieD24 (rep: 657) Oct 23, '24 at 12:34 pm
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