Hello. I created a sheet to check the lottery results for a works syndicate. This worked perfectly. I now need to check another lottery type and I thought I could adapt the previous sheet. Previously I checked six numbers with 1 bonus number. Now I am working on five main numbers with six bonus numbers. That is to say, one bonus number spread over six payout options. The sheet works perfectly in results 1 to 5 plus bonus ball but I get multiple errors on staggered results. For instance, three balls plus bonus gives the result 4, the same as 4 main balls on their own.
In the sample file I win the top prize but the bottom prize is an error. In the line with the pink marker because only the one bonus number counts. The other one should be counted as 1 plus bonus.
I think the process is fairly easy to understand by playing around with cells E5:J5. In the final sheet they will be the only selectable cells as the rest will all be processed in the background. There are 49 main balls and 14 thunderballs (bonus balls) to choose from.
Thank you.