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Sum TOTAL for each column in last row



I need to treat my problem when show TOTAL row to sum columns I:L .

I put the right way how should be , but when running the macro will not sum and show TOTAL word in error location.





I don't have time to check today but your code seems to get the correct figures from VB- if I use the Subtotals feature in Excel, it gives these for  DEBITand CREDIT:
AHHGGJ-1 Total 3,200.00 0.00
AHHGGJ-2 Total 3,000.00 1,300.00
AHHGGJ-3 Total 2,000.00 0.00
AHHGGJ-4 Total 1,500.00 0.00
AHHGGJ-5 Total 1,000.00 0.00

With the BALANCE figure from CLS, they look okay.
John_Ru (rep: 6417) Sep 29, '24 at 2:01 am
what I meant the TOTAL row  should sum the whole columns I:L 
should sum the wholes amounts for columns DEBIT,CREDIT,TOTAL
so in lastrow will be
TOTAL   77,538.00 10,700.00 1,300.00 86,938.00
Hasson (rep: 34) Sep 29, '24 at 3:41 am
Thanks for the clarification. I'll try to look at it again tomorrow. 
John_Ru (rep: 6417) Sep 29, '24 at 9:03 am
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There are two problems with your code:

  1. the first loop doesn't collect all "Name"s in sheet VB (it misses the last one/row)
  2. when you write the last Item to your VBA dictionary, you take elements of the array ar2  (which DO NOT sum the columns).

In the attached, revised file, I've modified your code as follows, commenting out some lines and adding comments plus changes in bold:

Sub Combine_Customers()
 Dim ar, ar2, a, j As Long
 ar = Sheets("CLS").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Value2
 ar2 = Sheets("VB").Cells(1).CurrentRegion

 With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

  'For j = 2 To UBound(ar) - 1
  ' add all Names to dictionary
  For j = 2 To UBound(ar)
    .Item(ar(j, 2)) = Array(ar(j, 1), ar(j, 2), ar(j, 3), 0, 0, ar(j, 3))
  Next j

  For j = 2 To UBound(ar2) ' - 1
    If .exists(ar2(j, 2)) Then
      a = .Item(ar2(j, 2))
      a(3) = a(3) + ar2(j, 4)
      a(4) = a(4) + ar2(j, 5)
      a(5) = IIf(a(2) = 0, a(3) - a(4), a(2) + a(3) - a(4))
     .Item(ar2(j, 2)) = a
      .Item(ar2(j, 2)) = Array(ar2(j, 1), ar2(j, 2), 0, ar2(j, 4), ar2(j, 5), ar2(j, 6))
    End If
  Next j

 '.Item(.Count) = Array("TOTAL", "", ar(UBound(ar), 3), ar2(UBound(ar2), 4), ar2(UBound(ar2), 5), Application.Sum(Application.Index(.items, 0, 6)))
 ' sum all columns. not just Total column
 .Item(.Count) = Array("TOTAL", "", _
                    Application.Sum(Application.Index(.Items, 0, 3)), _
                    Application.Sum(Application.Index(.Items, 0, 4)), _
                    Application.Sum(Application.Index(.Items, 0, 5)), _
                    Application.Sum(Application.Index(.Items, 0, 6)))
  Sheets("CLS").Cells(1, 7).Resize(, 6) = Array("DATE", "NAME", "BALANCES", "DEBIT", "CREDIT", "TOTAL")
  Sheets("CLS").Cells(2, 7).Resize(.Count, 6) = Application.Index(.Items, 0, 0)
 End With
End Sub

If this works for you, please remember to mark this Answer as Selected.



exactly this is what I want it.
thanks John.
Hasson (rep: 34) Sep 30, '24 at 3:35 pm
Good. Thanks for selecting my Answer, Hasson. 
John_Ru (rep: 6417) Sep 30, '24 at 4:57 pm
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