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Exclude merging data based on specific condition


Hi guys.

I have code to merging data based on coumn B .

some duplicates ID contains diffrent price . so if any duplicate ID contains different price in column G should not merge totally .

so in short words don't merge any duplicate ID contains different price in column G also should show the Total row in last row as show in CA sheet.

I put the right result in RESULT sheet but when run the macro will not give what I want.

if it's possible adjust the original code because is really fast with big data.

thanks in advanced.



Selected Answer

Hi again Maklil

In the attached revised file, I redefined the dictionary index to include the price from column G (7) e.g. CR CCR-1;12000; see comments and changes in bold below:

Sub test()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, a, i As Long, w, dic As Object
    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set ws = Sheets("CA")
        a = ws.Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Value

            For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
                If a(i, 2) <> "" Then
                    'check if dictionary item exists for Batch AND Price
                    If Not dic.exists(a(i, 2) & ":" & a(i, 7)) Then
                        ReDim w(1 To 8)
                        w(2) = a(i, 2)
                        w(7) = a(i, 7)
                        ' if not, add to dictionary item for Batch AND Price
                        w = dic(a(i, 2) & ":" & a(i, 7))
                    End If
                    w(2) = a(i, 2): w(3) = a(i, 3): w(4) = a(i, 4): w(5) = a(i, 5): w(6) = w(6) + a(i, 6): w(7) = a(i, 7): w(8) = w(6) * w(7)
                    dic(a(i, 2) & ":" & a(i, 7)) = w
                End If

    With Sheets("Results1").Cells(1).CurrentRegion
        If dic.Count Then
            With .Rows(2).Resize(dic.Count)
                .Value = Application.Index(dic.items, 0, 0)

                .Columns(1) = Evaluate("row(1:" & .Rows.Count & ")")
            End With
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Note that the values are written to a new sheet called "Results1". You'll need to add code to calucalute the total and any formatting you want.

 Hope this fixes your problem- if so, please remeber to mark this Answer as Selected.



Really helpful !
many thanks buddy.
MAKLIL (rep: 36) Sep 11, '24 at 3:52 am
Great! Thanks for selecting my Answer. Maklil. 
John_Ru (rep: 6417) Sep 11, '24 at 5:34 am
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