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Extract data from PDF file into Excel


I would like to ask Do we have the codes to open a bunch of PDF files and copy the data in those files into worksheet?

Thank you.



Hi Tam,
You haven't provided enough information to be able to provide an answer/solution. To be able to do what you ask, the file path to the folder with the pdf's is needed and the pdf file names are needed. What data in the pdf do you want to copy and where in the Excel file do you want to copy the data to (one worksheet or multiple worksheets)?

Provide us with more details and we should be able to help.
If you want to try to figure it out by yourself try this link:
Get PDF Data

Cheers   :-)
WillieD24 (rep: 657) Jul 19, '24 at 2:25 pm
I didn't include the rest of the code because the codes that send data to destination along with the codes that clear the form work perfectly.
I know my problem is in that one line.  I can add the whole code Monday if people think it's totally necessary.
Thank you
Galanthias (rep: 4) Jul 19, '24 at 2:57 pm
@Willie - your link above doesn't actually include a URL at present. 
John_Ru (rep: 6622) Jul 19, '24 at 4:08 pm
@Galanthias - you posted the response above (to your own question) under this (another) question thread 
John_Ru (rep: 6622) Jul 19, '24 at 4:18 pm
I tried to insert a link to "VBA Macro To Open A PDF File - My Engineering World" but couldn't get it to work. I have used the "Add Link" function in the past with no problems. I just realized that the URL I pasted in was lacking "https://" - I have corrected it. I remembered that I first need to copy and paste the URL into Word and then copy and paste that URL into the "Add Link" function.
WillieD24 (rep: 657) Jul 19, '24 at 9:53 pm
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