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I have in  worksheet  RW  data, and i want create cross table another work with Top 20 team medal list rows.I have attached sample. and it has to change by year drop down list, including slier?

Year Sport Gender Event Athlete Age Result Medal City Country Team Season Team Medals


Hi VisaF1 and welcome to the Forum.

You said "I have attached sample..." but there is no sample file in your question. Please edit your original question and use the Add Files... button to upload a representative Excel file (without any personal data) to show your existing data. Only Excel files are permitted.

You seem to be asking us to create a solution for you but please note that we normally expect you to show that you have made an effort to fix your problem.

Also what you mean by "slier"?

Pl,ease respond to all points. After that, we should be able to give specific help.
John_Ru (rep: 6427) May 20, '24 at 3:49 pm
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