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show number format for multiple columns into listbox on userform



I  have  user form connects with  data  sheet   so  when  run  the  userform  shows the  data  but   the  problem  doesn't  show numbers    format as  in textboxes  . I  searched   in  the  internet  to  find  how  do  that   but  not  succeed so  far  

this  what  I  try  doing   in listbox  for  COL 6,7,8


.List(I, 6) = (Format(Val(.List(I, 6)), "$#,##0.00"))

.List(I, 7) = (Format(Val(.List(I, 7)), "$#,##0.00"))

.List(I, 8) = (Format(Val(.List(I, 8)), "$#,##0.00"))





Train to differentiate exactly between numbers and text. 1 is a number. "1" is text. You can do calculations with numbers but not with text.

A "TextBox" contains text. So, when you assign the number 1234.56 to the Value property of a textbox that "Value" is actually converted to "1234.56". In that format, a string fed into a clculation will often (but not always) be understood as a number. If you want reliable code, convert the text to a number explicitly with code like VAL("1234.56").

Format(1234.56, "#,##.0.00") converts the number to a string, like "1,234.56". VAL("1,234.56") will return 1 which is the value of the string up to the first non-numeric character, which is the comma. So, the rule is that an unformatted numeric string could be converted to a number either implictly or explicitly but a formatted namber cannot. So, you might use code as shown below.

Dim MyNumber As Double
MyNumber = Val(Replace("1,234.56", ",", ""))

The code below will format the cell's value as you type into it.

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

    With TextBox1
        .Value = Format(Replace(.Value, ",", ""), "#,##0.00")
    End With
End Sub

When you read numbers from an Excel cell you can enter them as formatted text in a listbox with code like Format(Range("C6").Value, "#,##0.00"). Bear in mind that a listbox, like a textbox, can only contain text, no numbers. So, if your listbox holds formatted numbers they get transferred as such to your textbox. But when you extract them back to Excel you must convert the strings to numbers.


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