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Excel 2007 not displaying as expected


I am helping someone else working on a busy spreadsheet that is not behaving as it used to on my computer. The problem is when I open the file, everything appears normal but the 5 worksheets (workbooks) shown at the bottom are no longer shown. I know how to use the ribbon to go to VIEW and then click on Full Screen. Now the workbooks are displayed but the ribbon disappears. I need to have of them both visible at the same time. Its probably a mouse click or two but it is very frustrating. Any help someone can provide would be much appreciated.  The computer is an Acer Netbook. It is quite a small screen but is running Windows 10 and no other programs are showing issues.  Thanks.




Please try this:-

  1. From the Ribbon's File tab select Options.
  2. Select Advanced.
  3. Scroll down to Display options for this workbook.
  4. Make sure that Show sheet tabs is checked.

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