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Testing combo box drop down list status


Is there an easy way to test, using VBA, if the drop down list of a combo box is visible?





Debug.Print ComboBox1.Visible

The above code will print True or False to VBE's Immediate window. However, I suspect that you are interested in knowing whether or not the drop-down list is extended. Perhaps this thread will help. For a better answer I suggest you let us know why you want to know and what you intend to do with that knowledge.



You';re right - I should have been more precise in my question. I want to test if the DropDown list has, indeed, been dropped down. Thanks for the pointer to the other thread.

tfurnivall May 10, '18 at 8:49 am
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Variatus (rep: 4889) May 10, '18 at 9:31 pm
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