Sub Remove_Text_From_Cells()
‘Removes text from cells.
‘Will not remove any characters other than text
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim intChar As Integer
Dim strCheckString As String
Dim strCheckChar As String
Dim intCheckChar As Integer
Dim strClean As String
For Each rngCell In Selection
strCheckString = rngCell.Value
strClean = ""
For intChar = 1 To Len(strCheckString)
strCheckChar = Mid(strCheckString, intChar, 1)
intCheckChar = Asc(strCheckChar)
Select Case intCheckChar
Case 65 To 90
Case 97 To 122
Case 128 To 151
Case 153 To 154
Case 159 To 165
Case Else
strClean = strClean & strCheckChar
End Select
Next intChar
rngCell.Value = strClean
Next rngCell
End Sub