Add data validation input messages to cells in Excel with this free Excel macro. These messages appear when a specific cell has been selected. The benefit of this type of pop up message in Excel is that when a user goes to enter something in a particular cell, you can display a reminder to that user which can better help them fill out that cell. This works great when it comes to user forms and data entry forms in Excel.
There are two versions of this macro listed below. The first Excel macro adds an input message to a cell that is hard-coded into the macro whereas the second macro adds an input message to any cell that you select before you run the macro.
To use these macros simply change A1 in the first macro to the cell reference where you want to add an input message and change Message Title Goes Here and Message Contents Go Here in both macros in order to have the desired input message displayed.
Sub Add_Cell_Input_Message_Cell()
With Range("A1").Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly
.InputTitle = "Message Title Goes Here"
.InputMessage = "Message Contents Go Here"
End With
End Sub
Sub Add_Cell_Input_Message_Selection()
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly
.InputTitle = "Message Title Goes Here"
.InputMessage = "Message Contents Go Here"
End With
End Sub