Sort data in Excel that doesn't have headers using a macro. This Excel macro assumes that your data set does not have any headers or rows above the database that describe the contents of the column. The data is sorted in descending order. This means that is is in Z - A and 10 - 1 order. The last letter of the alphabet first and the highest number in the column first.
To use this macro you only need to replace A1:C56 with the total range of the database or set which you are sorting and to replace A1 with the column of the data which you want to sort everything else by. This is a fairly straightforward macro to sort data in descending order in Excel.
Sub Sort_Descending_Basic()
'Sorts a worksheet in descending order and assumes there are no headers on the data
Range("A1:C56").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo
End Sub