Sort data that doesn't have headers in ascending order in Excel with this macro. This is a simple sort macro that assumes that your data does not have headers. This means that the top row of the selected range will also be sorted. Sorting in ascending order means that the macro will sort the data in alphabetical order or numerically ascending order depending on the type of data being sorted. This is a great macro to use to quickly sort a set of data in Excel.
This macro is set to sort by only one field or column in your data. In previous versions of Excel you can sort by up to three columns and in Excel 2007 you can sort by up to 64 columns.
To use this macro, just replace A1:C56 with the range of the entire database or data set that you want to be sorted. Then replace A1 with the column of data that you want to sort by. All other data will be arranged based on the ascending order of this last range reference in the macro.
Sub Sort_Ascending_Basic()
'Sorts a worksheet in ascending order and assumes there are no headers on the data
Range("A1:C56").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Header:=xlNo
End Sub