To create an Index / Table of Contents worksheet to a workbook:
1) Add a new worksheet and name it "Index"
2) Open the VBE and select this new worksheet (Index). In the properties window change the sheets code name (first line) to "Index"
3) In the Project window, right click on the worksheet and select view code. Then copy the code below to the code window.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
' macro written by Doug Wilson, June 26, 2020
' this code calls the "Create_Index" macro every time the worksheet "Index" is selected/activated
' this ensures the Workbook Index is always current when viewed
Call Create_Index
End Sub
Sub Create_Index()
' macro written by Doug Wilson, June 26, 2020
' this macro is called when the worksheet "Index" is selected
' the following code creates a list of all the sheets in the workbook with hyperlinks to each
Dim x As Integer
Dim Nm1, Nm2 As String
Dim place As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim SA, TTD As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' allows macro to run faster - helpful with large workbooks
Const bSkipHidden As Boolean = False 'Change this to True to NOT list hidden sheets
place = 4 ' the row number where the sheet info is entered to on the "Index worksheet
x = 1 ' used as a reference to the sheet's order number from left to right in the workbook
Sheets("Index").Cells.Clear ' Clear all data in cells
' edit: alignment, height, font & size to suit your needs
With Selection
.EntireColumn.Hidden = False ' un-hides column 'C' - sheet code name data
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.RowHeight = 15
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 12
End With
With Selection
.Value = ActiveWorkbook.Name & " ~ Table of Contents" ' inserts a title at top of sheet; edit to suit
.RowHeight = 20
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 16
End With
Sheets("Index").Range("B3:D3").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium
Sheets("Index").Range("B3") = "Sheet #"
Sheets("Index").Range("C3") = "Sheet Code Name"
Sheets("Index").Range("D3") = "Sheet Tab Name"
Sheets("Index").Range("B3:D3").Select ' header row
' edit: height, font & size to suit your needs
With Selection
Selection.RowHeight = 20
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 14
End With
For Each ws In Worksheets ' start the loop through all worksheets
Nm1 = ws.CodeName ' the worksheet code name (first line in Properties pane)
Nm2 = ws.Name ' the worksheet Tab name (as seen across the bottom of the workbook)
SA = "'" & Worksheets(Nm2).Name & "'!" & "A1" ' the 'SubAddress' used in the hyperlink code
TTD = Nm2 ' the 'TextToDisplay' used in the hyperlink code
Sheets("Index").Cells(place, 2) = x ' enters the sheet's order number on the Index sheet
Sheets("Index").Cells(place, 3) = Nm1 ' enters the sheet's code name on the Index sheet
Sheets("Index").Cells(place, 4) = Nm2 ' enters the sheet's Tab name on the Index sheet
Sheets("Index").Range(Cells(place, 2), Cells(place, 4)).Select
Selection.RowHeight = 15
If Nm2 = "Index" Then GoTo Line100 ' if the sheet name is Index, skip adding a hyperlink
Sheets("Index").Cells(place, 4).Select ' selects the cell where the hyperlink will be added
ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:=SA, TextToDisplay:=TTD
With Selection.Font ' set the font type and size of hyperlink to match the other data; edit to suit
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
End With
place = place + 1 ' increments the row number where data is entered
x = x + 1 ' increments the sheet order number
If x > Worksheets.Count Then GoTo Line999 ' last sheet has been added to the "Index" sheet
Next ' loops to next sheet
Columns("B:D").EntireColumn.AutoFit ' adjusts column width to match length of longest entry
' comment-out the following code if it is not wanted / needed
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True ' hides column with the sheet code names
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turns real-time updating back on
' the following scrolls the sheet up and to the left
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub
Sub Go_To_Index()
' macro written by Doug Wilson, June 26, 2020
' this macro makes the sheet named "Index" the selected worksheet
End Sub
4) On the Index worksheet insert a 'button or 'shape' of your choosing. Add text "Go To Index" (or whatever you prefer), format the font type and colour, the shape outline and fill colour, and then assign the macro Go_To_Index() above to the button/shape. Copy this all worksheets.
5) If your workbook is large, an easy way to copy your 'button' is to add a code module in the VBE and copy the following to it:
Sub CopyButton_1()
' macro written by Doug Wilson July 1, 2020
' the 'button' must first be selected before running macro
' assign your desired macro or hyperlink to the 'button' before running this macro
' This macro will copy a 'button' to every sheet in a workbook
Dim x As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' allows macro to run faster - helpful with large workbooks
x = 2 ' used as a reference to the sheet's ORDER number from left to right in the workbook
' (edit starting point as needed)
' on the sheet where the master button is, select the button to copy (edit as needed)
Selection.Copy ' button to copy
For Each ws In Worksheets ' start the loop through all worksheets
Sheets(x).Select ' sheet where the button is being copied
Range("A1").Select ' cell where the button is being copied to (edit as needed)
ActiveSheet.Paste ' copying of the button
Range("B3").Select ' cell on sheet to be selected after copying the button (edit as needed)
x = x + 1 ' increments the sheet ORDER number
If x > Worksheets.Count Then GoTo Line999 ' has been added to the last sheet
Next ' loops to next sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turns real-time updating back on
Application.CutCopyMode = False ' exits cut/copy/paste mode (gets rid of marching ants)
' the following activates the "Index" sheet (edit "Index" to the sheet name as needed)
Sheets("Index").Range("D2").Select ' cell on sheet to be selected (edit as needed)
' the following scrolls the sheet up and to the left
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub
Then go back to your Index sheet, select your 'button' and then run the macro CopyButton_1 while your 'button' is selected and it will be copied to all sheets.