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Excel Magic Trick 313: Some Facts About Array Formulas

Learn theses important Facts about Array Formulas:
Point #1: Formulas that do operations on ranges/arrays (A1:A4*B1:B4, instead of A1*B1) or functions that are expecting a single cell but you give it an array (LARGE(A1:A10,F25:F27) instead of LARGE(A1:A10, F27)) are ARRAY formulas.
Point #2: You tell Excel that you have an array formula by the key strokes Ctrl + Shift + Enter. If you do not use these keys, Excel will not know it is an array formula
Point #3: SUMPRODUCT and LOOKUP are examples of functions that can handle arrays without Ctrl + Shift + Enter, so they are not array formulas.

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06 Excel Series: Array Formulas
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