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Highline Excel Class 36: Array Formulas Basics

Topics for this video:
1)Learn about the basics of array formulas
2)Entering array formulas with Ctrl + Shift + Enter
3)Array syntax
4)Operations on ranges and arrays instead of cells or individual values
5)Create array formulas in single cells and save space in spreadsheet
6)Array formula for Total Sales SUM function array formula
7)Array formula for Minimum Change MIN function array formula
8)Array formula for Maximum Change MAX function array formula
9)Array formula for Expected Returns for a Portfolio of Stocks
10)Learn how to create array formulas with arrays that are the same dimension
11)Learn how to create array formulas with arrays that are different dimension
12)Learn how to use the SUMPRODUCT function for arrays with the same dimensions (commas)
13)Learn how to use the SUMPRODUCT function for arrays with different dimensions (multiplication symbol)
This is a beginning to advanced Excel class taught at Highline Community College by Mike Gel excelisfun Girvin Busn 214 BTech 109

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