Excel Forum
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Excel VBA Course - From Beginner to Expert

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Become a master of VBA and Macros in Excel and learn how to automate all of your tasks in Excel with this online course. (No VBA experience required.)

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Excel Basics #5: Formulas Operators and Math

The Excel Basics Series shows a systematic description of what Excel can do from beginning to end.
#5 Video topics:
1)Excel operator symbols
2)Parenthesis is ()
3)Exponent is ^
4)Multiplication is *
5)Division is /
6)Adding is +
7)Subtracting is
8)Order of Operations
9)Complete list of how Excel Evaluates formulas
10)Excel 2003: Formula Evaluator: Tools, Formula Auditing, Formula Auditing
11)Excel 2007: Formula Evaluator: Formula Ribbon, Formula Auditing group, Formula Auditing icon

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