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VBA Comparison Operators

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VBA comparison operators are used to compare values in VBA and Macros for Excel.

List of VBA Comparison Operators

Comparison Operator



A < B - Checks if A is LESS THAN B.


A > B - Checks if A is GREATER THAN B.


A <= B - Checks if A is less than or equal to B.


A >= B - Checks if A is greater than or equal to B.


A = B - Checks if A is equal to B. Note that a single equal sign is also used to assign a value to a variable when it is not being used in the context of a comparison.


A <> B - Checks if A is NOT equal to B.

Comparison Operator Examples

Each example uses an IF statement to compare the values A and B and it will then output a message depending on the result of the comparison.

The part to pay attention to comes between the If and Then section of the code.

A < B

If A is less than B.

If A < B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"


A > B

If A is greater than B.

If A > B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"


A <= B

If A is less than or equal to B.

If A <= B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"


A >= B

If A is greater than or equal to B.

If A >= B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"


A = B

If A is equal to B.

If A = B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"


A <> B

If A is not equal to B.

If A <> B Then MsgBox "Hi!" Else MsgBox "Bye!"



Comparison operators are pretty straightforward but it does take a little time to get used to using them.

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