How to count the number of cells that contain specific text within a spreadsheet in Excel.
I'll show you how to count cells that match exactly a string or that contain part of a string.
Count Cells that Exactly Match a String
Count Cells that Contain a Particular String Anywhere within the Cell
This allows you to count all cells that have specific text in them.
You can count cells that say "red" or "green" or "out of stock" or anything you want.
To do this, we use the COUNTIF function.
In this example we counted how many cells contained the word "red" and the result was 2.
Here is the formula that was used:
You can search for multiple words just like you did a single word, just change what is in between the quotation marks.
Searching for "a color" this time, we use this:
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"a color")
You can also count cells that contain a part of a word, a single letter, or any specific character within the cell. This means that you do not have to match the entire contents of the cell in order to count it.
We still use the COUNTIF function, like above, but, this time, we change how we enter the text for which to search.
Here is the formula that we used in this example:
You can also search for a number in the same way.
If you want to use a cell reference instead of hard-coding the criteria, like we did above, you will need to use an ampersand to connect everything.
For example, the formula in cell D1, which is =COUNTIF(A1:A8,"*rdf*") would become this:
=COUNTIF(A1:A8,"*" & C1 & "*")
C1 is the cell where you would put the criteria.
We have to do it like this or else we cannot keep the asterisks in there and it won't match text within other text in the cell. It's confusing, but, once you understand it, it's not difficult. This does not apply to the original example at the top of the tutorial that does not use an asterisk; for that, you would reference a cell like normal.
This follows the same principal as the above example.
Match Start of a String: put the asterisk only at the end of the string.
Match End of a String: put the asterisk only at the start of the string.
To get more information on this, view our tutorial on counting cells that start or end with specific text.
The COUNTIF function is case-insensitive which means that it does not matter if text is upper case or lower case, this function will treat it the same.
There are many Count functions in Excel and they are very useful in a wide range of situations. Make sure you understand how to use them so that you can create more powerful spreadsheets.
Download the spreadsheet that accompanies this tutorial so you can work with the examples we provided and test everything out.