Average Non-Contiguous Cells in Excel

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How to average non-contiguous cells (cells that aren't next to each other) if those cells contain numbers and are greater than 0.

The regular AVERAGEIF() function will not work in this case; try it if you don't believe me!

Average Non-Contiguous Cells that are Greater than 0

This assumes that you have some cells around your spreadsheet that are not together in a single range.

So, let's say that we want to average cells A1,A5, and B2 so long as each cell contains a number and that number is greater than 0.

Use this formula:


To make this work for you, just replace the cell references A1,A5,B2 with the cells that you want to average.

There is really no point in explaining this function; it just works.

Here is the function in Excel:


Doing this relatively simple task requires an annoying formula in Excel. Currently, there isn't much you can do about this, so just use the formula above and you will be good to go.

Download the spreadsheet attached to this tutorial to see this example in Excel.

Excel Function: FREQUENCY(), INDEX(), SUM()
Downloadable Files: Project File

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Tutorial Details
Excel Function: FREQUENCY(), INDEX(), SUM()
Downloadable Files: Project File
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