Easy Pivot Table in Excel (Auto-Subtotals Feature)

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How to make a paired-down version of a Pivot Table for Excel. This allows you to quickly perform calculations on data to see things like: how much of each item was sold, how many items were sold on a specific day, how many items in each category were sold, and much more.

The basic premise of this feature is that you can group similar items together in order to perform calculations on them and you do not need to use a PivotTable in order to do that.

This feature will allow you to quickly summarize sets of data so that you can analyze them and better understand the data.

To make the light version or small version of the PivotTable, we use the Subtotals feature in conjunction with a data sort.


Subtotals Feature (Microsoft Link)

PivotTable Overview (Microsoft Link)

Downloadable Files: Project File

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