Make Perfect Scrollable Boxes in Worksheets in Excel - Great for a Dashboard

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Make a scrollable box in a worksheet in Excel that allows you to scroll through a table of data without scrolling in the worksheet or moving around the worksheet.

This feature allows you to create Dashboards or Snapshots of data in your workbook so that you can see everything that is important in one location.

In this tutorial you will learn how to combine Form Controls in Excel, a vertical scroll bar, along with custom formulas in order to create the effect of scrolling through a data set without actually scrolling through a worksheet.

One of the best parts about this trick is that it allows you to hide the original data set.

To build powerful VBA projects or further customize this one, checkout my full VBA/Macro Course.


Add Scroll Bar to Excel (Msft link)

Downloadable Files: Excel File

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Tutorial Details
Downloadable Files: Excel File
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