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Mar 28, '24 at 8:55 pm
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Mar 29, '24 at 8:38 am
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Today, I launch the Requested Tutorials feature that you can see below. Using this feature, I want to work with you to create the content that you want.

We start-off with a brand new course for UserForms in Excel. The goal is to create an expectional training guide for building UserForms in Excel so that you never have to pay to learn this material.

View the UserForms course outline in this blog post and feel free to leave your feedback there.

I need your help to create the content, and I look forward to working with you in a collaborative manner in order to create an extensive, open, and free learning experience for everyone!

to your account today and submit a tutorial! :)

(Blog post about our future and how we want to work with you to create the best possible learning experience.)


Featured Excel Content

Excel Tip
How to copy all of the formatting of a single cell to other cells in the spreadsheet without having to re-apply each formatting element separately.  This will save you a lot of time when formatting spreadsheets. Steps to Quickly Copy Cell Formatting to Other Cells Select the cell that contains the formatting that you want to replicate: On the Home ...
Excel Tip
How to show a smaller number that looks better without sacrificing decimal places or precision in the actual number. This has to do with formatting a number instead of actually rounding it.  The great thing about this is that when we format the number to have fewer decimal places, it will visually round the number for us while keeping the actual n ...
Excel Tip
How to round a number up or down and also to a specified number of decimal places in Excel.  This will allow you to create more useful mathematical functions and formulas. Don't forget to download the accompanying workbook to follow along. Sections: Round a Number Up in Excel Round a Number Down in Excel Round a Number to a Specified Number of Dig ...
Excel Tip
How to calculate the payment amount for a loan or similar financial instrument that has a series of constant payments and a constant interest rate. This works great when calculating how much you will pay for a loan.  You will be able to find out the size of the payments that you will make, including interest and principal. Syntax PMT(rate, nper, p ...
Excel Tip
How to limit the amount that a user can enter into a range of cells in Excel.  This works great for budgeting worksheets and really any type of worksheet where you need to force a user to keep values within a certain range or limit. To achieve this result, we will use the Data Validation feature of Excel. Here is our sample budget spreadsheet: Ste ...
Excel Tip
How to generate random whole numbers (integers) that are between two numbers.  This allows you to set a minimum and maximum possible value and then generate random numbers within that range. Make sure to download the accompanying workbook to follow along. Sections: Steps to Generate Random Numbers within a Range in Excel Quickly Make a List of Ran ...
Excel Tip
How to prevent a user from entering any spaces within text in Excel.  This allows you to keep data clean when a user is entering something in Excel and helps to prevent data corruption. We will use data validation in Excel in order to achieve this result. Steps to Prevent Spaces Being Entered in Text in a Range in Excel =A1=SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","") ...
Excel Tip
How to quickly delete all empty cells or rows from a range in Excel.  This allows you to quickly clean your data to remove worthless blank sections that only serve to annoy you and break other features in Excel, like using the quick-fill handle to copy formulas down a column. Steps to Remove Blank Cells or Rows from a Range in Excel Select the col ...
Excel Tip
How to quickly change all text to upper case or lower case in Excel.  This allows you to change the case of text without having to manually type in the text. I will show you how to change the case of text and also how to make the results of the functions we will use actual text instead of function/formula output. Also, check out our tutorial on ho ...
Excel Tip
Here, I'll show you a simple technique to quickly and easily compare large lists of duplicate values.  This allows you to analyze the list in order to have better data analysis and or just to figure out which duplicates might need to be removed. Steps to Easily Analyze a List Containing Duplicate Values in Excel Import the list into Excel, or if i ...