Find the Most Frequently Occurring Number in a List

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Author: | Edits: don

There are two basic functions that return the most frequently occurring number from a list or range of cells.

The MODE() and MODE.SNGL() functions.












Both functions are really easy to use and they do the same thing.

However, MODE() is kept for compatibility purposes for Excel 2007 and earlier versions. I'm not sure that it matters which one you use except that, in the future, MODE() might be dropped altogether in favor of MODE.SNGL() and so it might be better to get used to using the later.

These functions only work on numbers! You can type these numbers in, with each number separated by a comma, or select a range of numbers, like I did.

Check out another one of our tutorials to find the most frequently occurring value or word in a list.

Make sure to download the sample file to work with these examples in Excel.

Excel Function: MODE(), MODE.SNGL()
Downloadable Files: Excel File

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