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Oct 27, '24 at 1:35 am
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Oct 26, '24 at 3:03 am
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Oct 25, '24 at 10:53 pm
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Oct 22, '24 at 12:31 pm
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Oct 20, '24 at 11:16 am
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Oct 17, '24 at 10:42 am
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Oct 18, '24 at 8:33 am
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Today, I launch the Requested Tutorials feature that you can see below. Using this feature, I want to work with you to create the content that you want.

We start-off with a brand new course for UserForms in Excel. The goal is to create an expectional training guide for building UserForms in Excel so that you never have to pay to learn this material.

View the UserForms course outline in this blog post and feel free to leave your feedback there.

I need your help to create the content, and I look forward to working with you in a collaborative manner in order to create an extensive, open, and free learning experience for everyone!

to your account today and submit a tutorial! :)

(Blog post about our future and how we want to work with you to create the best possible learning experience.)


Featured Excel Content

Excel Tip
This Excel macro sorts data that has headers in descending order. This means that data is sorted Z to A and 10 to 1 - or reverse alphabetical order and highest to lowest. This macro also assumes that there is one row of headers at the top of your data set or data range. If you have more than one row of headers on your data, simply make the range re ...
Excel Tip
List all of the named ranges in a workbook in Excel and the corresponding values stored within every named range. This is a simple yet great macro to get a quick list of all of the named ranges that are used within a workbook in Excel. The benefit of this macro is that it will output the name of every range along with the range reference or formul ...
Excel Tip
This Excel macro prevents the user from saving an excel file or workbook under a different file name. The file can only be saved under its current file name. However, the excel file can be saved in a different directory or different file location or drive. This macro only prevents one from changing the file name. Where to install the macro:   ...
Excel Tip
This free Excel macro formats a selected cell as an Accounting number. This means that the accounting number format is applied to any cells that have been selected when this macro is run. This format puts a dollar sign in the left and by default adds two decimal places to the number. This format is meant to display money. This is a great piece of c ...
Excel Tip
This macro will completely reverse the contents of any cell. This means that if you have a cell which reads "My Text" and you run this macro on that cell, it will then read "txeT yM". This macro will not work on cells which contain formulas. It will only work on cells that contain strictly text and numbers. Run this macro on a selection of cells in ...
Excel Tip
This Excel macro automatically filters a set of data based on the words or text that are contained in the beginning of the cell. This uses the autofilter method in Excel. To use this macro, simply replace the text "Enter Criteria Here" with the text that you would like to filter your data by. Make sure to include the "*" symbol at the end of the te ...
Excel Tip
UDF to count the number of words in a cell or range with a user-specified delimiter. This means that you can tell the function what separates the words in your cells in Excel. For example, if you have words separated by a dash or a period etc., you can tell this function that that character separates your words and the words will then be counted c ...
Excel Tip
This free excel macro will print all selected worksheets in Excel. If there are no other worksheets selected the active worksheet will be printed. This is a great little macro to include in a workbook and attach to a button in Excel. This will allow you to prevent menu commands from being run, such as for a data entry or job application form but s ...
Excel Tip
This macro will convert every formula in an entire workbook into its respective value. This is basically a quick way to replace to do a copy-paste values except that nothing is moved or re-arranged. Just make sure to remember that this one will not only work on the active sheet, but on the entire open workbook. This is a good thing to use if you a ...
Excel Tip
This free Excel macro filters data to display results that end with certain words, text, or characters. This is a very easy to use and helpful macro in Excel which allows you to quickly and easily display subsets of data in Excel. It is important to note that in order to properly use this macro you must replace the "Enter Criteria Here" with the te ...