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Jan 30, '25 at 11:29 pm
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Jan 19, '25 at 12:04 pm
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Jan 14, '25 at 7:42 pm
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Jan 8, '25 at 4:23 am
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Dec 30, '24 at 7:41 pm
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Dec 24, '24 at 5:18 am
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Today, I launch the Requested Tutorials feature that you can see below. Using this feature, I want to work with you to create the content that you want.

We start-off with a brand new course for UserForms in Excel. The goal is to create an expectional training guide for building UserForms in Excel so that you never have to pay to learn this material.

View the UserForms course outline in this blog post and feel free to leave your feedback there.

I need your help to create the content, and I look forward to working with you in a collaborative manner in order to create an extensive, open, and free learning experience for everyone!

to your account today and submit a tutorial! :)

(Blog post about our future and how we want to work with you to create the best possible learning experience.)


Featured Excel Content

Excel Tip
Ill show you how to loop through all of the worksheets in a workbook in Excel using VBA and Macros. This only takes a few lines of code and is rather simple to use once you understand it. Here is the macro that will loop through all worksheets in a workbook in Excel: Sub Sheet_Loop() 'count the number of worksheets in the workbook sheet_count = Act ...
Excel Tip
How to get the name of a worksheet in Excel using VBA and Macros and also how to store that name in a variable for later use. This is rather simple but there are a couple different ways to do it. First, we can reference the currently active worksheet and put Name after it: ActiveSheet.Name This gets us the name of the currently active sheet, which ...
Excel Tip
Learn how to find the next empty cell in a range in Excel using VBA and Macros.  This method will skip any blanks that are between your data but not at the very end of it. Look at this example: We want the VBA to locate cell C7 and NOT cell C5. The VBA to do this is quite simple: Sub Find_Next_Empty_Row() 'selects the next empty row 'ignores blan ...
Excel Tip
Ill show you how to see the cells used in a formula/function in Excel and also how to tell which cells are using that particular formula/function. This is a simple yet very helpful feature in Excel and it allows you to visually represent the relationship between the cells/formulas/functions in the worksheet. This is actually very easy to do, just ...
Excel Tip
Ill show you how to use Excel to calculate the total time worked in a day minus lunch time or any breaks. This is actually quite simple once you know it, but too many people overcomplicate this. Here is our sample worksheet: (Dont forget to download the accompanying worksheet for this tutorial so you can follow along.) Formula to Calculate Time Wo ...
Excel Tip
In this tutorial I am going to cover how to link cells together. This is a useful feature of Excel as you can link cells in an Excel Formula instead of typing in the values each time. Linking cells allows you to perform calculations based on the value of cells instead of typing in values. This means that you can copy Formulas over multiple cells an ...
Excel Tip
In this tutorial I am going to introduce how to input, edit and manage excel formulas. To start entering a formula, you just select a cell and start typing with an equals sign first: Alternatively you can select the cell, then use the formula bar: When entering a Function into a formula make sure to use parenthesis/brackets to enclose the arguments ...
Excel Tip
In this tutorial I will cover the basic concepts of Formulas and Functions in Excel. A formula is an expression which helps perform calculations (E.g. 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 = 12, E = MC2). Excel Formulas allow you to calculate the value of a cell based on a specified equation.  This can range from simple addition, subtraction etc. to the more complex such ...
Excel Tip
Here, youll learn how to get the difference between two times in Excel. A common example of this is for when someone starts and finishes work. (Note that my version of Excel put the finish time in the 24 hour time format (military time) but that it is still just 5:45 PM.) Here we have a start and finish time and I want to see how much time has ela ...
Excel Tip
I will show you how to run a macro from another macro in Excel.  This means that you can run any macro when you need to from a completely separate macro. This is actually very simple! Use Call in VBA. Here is the macro we want to call or run using another macro: Sub Macro_2()   MsgBox "Hi!"   End Sub And here is the macro that will call or run ...