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Excel Magic Trick 167p2 IF function formula: 12 Examples!

Part 2. See 12 different examples of how to use the IF function. This video starts with IF function basics and then shows 12 different examples of how the IF function can be used in formulas. Also see these functions: AND, OR, SUM, AVEARAGE, STDEVP, and VLOOKUP.
See how to use the IF function to put:

1 of 2 numbers in a cell or formula.
1 of 2 words in a cell or formula.
1 of 2 text strings in a cell or formula.
1 of 2 formulas in a cell or formula.
1 of 2 functions in a cell or formula.
1 of 2 cell ranges in a cell or formula.
How to have more than one IF (Nested IF Ifs).
When to switch to the VLOOKUP function.
How to build multiple criteria formulas with the IF function.
How to use the AND function with the IF function.
How to use the OR function with the IF function.

Excel Magic Trick 167p1 IF function formula: 12 Examples!

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